Sunday, August 9, 2009

Twelve by twelve by twelve

Today Dylan and I went to an exhibition at Griffith University where they were selling $12 cd sized prints by the students at the uni. I also picked up my camera (squeals with excitement) and rummaged through the shelves of one of my favorite second hand book stores.


Marie said...

outfit is completely adorable. Love everything- especially the blackwatch plaid!

Tessies Hearts said...

love your outfit, the little bowtie is so cute!

nicola xx

Nessie McInness said...

looks like it was an alright exhibition :) i have been wanting to go out and get cultural, but nothing seems to be out there =/

you have my dream hair and haircut. it's perfect.

and your bowtie again, you look so cute!
i have been relectant about wearing my beret in summer, but your post made me want to ^^

Lauren Winter said...

really cute. as always, you totally pull off bowties and you still remind me of marion cotillard :)

Jessicaisgoo said...

Well it is winter here, but as you can tell by my outfits where I live has a very mild winter :)

Diane said...

This outfit is so so good. The little details (like the bow tie) really make it!

Charlotte Drene said...

The exhibition looks very interesting!

My god, you are the sweetest thing! Look at the outfit. You give me a huge desire to cut all of my hair off...
It looks so great on you.

Laura said...

you have amazing outfits :)


Meaghan Kelly said...

i agree with Ines that your hair is perfect! :) you look great! so perfect for an art exhibit!

Damsels said...

i love these unexpe ted colors . the peach with the dark blue and green of the skirt . and fantastic little bow tie

sarah said...

the blouse couldn't be more perfect for you. it's a delight to find it in action!

Anonymous said...

Oh I just adore your beret!

PS. I found this blog via your lookbook (which I was just invited to)

PPS. Just thought I'd agree with you on how humerous pigeons look when they walk. MUST they bob their heads with every step? It's like a mechanism.